Giant dysgerminoma with pelvic metastases at the time of puberty: A case report and review of the literature


  • Lisbeth Andreina Medina Torres Mariangel Clinic. Dumian Medical Tulua-Valle del Cauca, Colombia
  • Andrés Darío Restrepo Becerra Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali


Palabras clave:

Diagnosis, ovarian dysgerminoma, neoplasm, surgical technique, treatment


This study aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges and management strategies associated with a rare occurrence of giant dysgerminoma with pelvic metastases in an adolescent patient. We intend to add valuable information to the medical literature that may help to better understand and manage similar cases in the future, making this case report potentially valuable to clinicians and researchers in the fields of gynaecological oncology and paediatric oncology. Germ cells, the precursors of the ova in women and sperm in men, can give rise to germ cell tumours if their migration goes wrong during embryogenesis. These tumours, which can be malignant or benign, are generally rare. In particular, germ cell lesions in women are usually benign, whereas in men they are often malignant. These tumours can present as intra- or extragonadal masses due to the migratory nature of the germ cells. Dysgerminoma, a rare malignant germ cell tumour, is more common in men than testicular seminoma. In women, dysgerminomas account for 1-2% of malignant ovarian tumours and present as exotic lesions. They are usually relatively small, but giant lesions have been reported. They also exhibit rapid growth and a characteristic lobulated surface, retaining the ovarian shape. Extra-ovarian presentations are rare but may extend into the abdominal region. In men, seminomas may occur extra-testicularly, particularly in the mediastinum. Dysgerminomas respond well to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, with survival rates of over 90% at five years with timely and appropriate treatment worldwide


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Biografía del autor/a

Lisbeth Andreina Medina Torres , Mariangel Clinic. Dumian Medical Tulua-Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Specialist in paediatric surgery and minimally invasive surgery. General practitioner at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, Cuba; postgraduate studies at the Central University of Venezuela. Minimally invasive surgery and endopraxis at Javeriana University. Member of the Colombian Society of Paediatric Surgery.

Andrés Darío Restrepo Becerra, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali

Specialist in anatomical pathology. Graduate of the Universidad Libre. Cali, Colombia. Postgraduate in Anatomical Pathology at the Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. Master in Dermatopathology from the Universidad de Alcala. Madrid, Spain. Professor of Anatomical Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia


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Cómo citar

Medina Torres LA, Restrepo Becerra AD. Giant dysgerminoma with pelvic metastases at the time of puberty: A case report and review of the literature. Magna Sci. UCEVA [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2023 [citado 23 de febrero de 2025];3(2):136-42. Disponible en:



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